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My Macau Trip Report 5/1- 5/3!

LONG write up - TLDR - I had a successful Macau trip.
It's a little after 6pm in Macau and I've decided to shut the trip down and relax for the rest of the night. My flight back to Shanghai is tomorrow at 1pm. What an experience it's been so far.
Day 1 - Wednesday I flew into Zhuhai on Wednesday night, and had hoped to catch people heading to the Macau bus, but everyone scattered and there were no tourists to follow. I went to the taxi line, got in a cab, and told the driver 'Macau, Macau'. He looked at me funny and after a minute of us trying to convince each other of something... he finally took off. An hour later, I'm dropped off at this train station looking place, where there's hordes of Asian people trying to cram through the gates. This is the Macau customs inspection point. I manage to get through and hop on a free shuttle bus to the Venetian. Upon my arrival, it's already past 10pm, so I take a look around and grab another taxi to head to my hotel, which is off the strip. Pretty uneventful day 1. I'm just glad I made it to my hotel in one piece lol.
Day 2 - Thursday Couldn't sleep well last night. I woke up at around 8am and decided to head over to the Venetian. I ended up walking, but damn that was a mistake. It's a bit humid for the morning and I'm sweating by the time I get to the casino, which is about 2 miles away. I finally get to the Poker room at around 10am and there's a couple tables running and a list of about 10 people. That's not bad at all! I was expecting it to be busier. I get my name added to the list and now it's time to get some money out.
There were 3 tables going with 50-100NL and 100-200NL. I think the USD to HKD exchange rate is about 1 to 7.85, so these are 6/12NL and 12/24 NL. Min buy for the 50/100 was 5K to 30K ($3,800 USD). The 100/200NL has a 20K min buy with no cap. I put my name down on the 50/100.
I went to the ATM soon after and was only able to pull out 3k HKD at a time. After 5 ATM transactions, I manage to pull out 15k HKD and head back to the poker room, only to find out... I can't buy chips there. So back to the cage I go. LOL. Dammit. Ok, finally seated at the table after a short little wait.
My first day can be summed up in 3 consecutive hands, which I'll get to.
50/100NL, Pre-flop action is typically 300 (first to act). I've seen a 3 bet go anywhere from 900-1.2k (this is HKD of course). I don't have too much experience playing 5/10 so I decided to play ABC and tight. Also, it was difficult to understand exactly how much $$ the pot was so I had to re-program my brain to just go off pot size rather than try to convert this to USD in my head. I think at my highest, I was sitting on 24k ($1.1K profit) and about 11k at the lowest. So all in all, not too bad. Next like 5-6 hours, I'm completely card dead and hovering around 16k. Then comes the trifecta of hands that make my evening.
Hand 1 of 3
I'm starting to get tilted from no action, hungry because I haven't had anything to eat, and dizzy.
Hero - 9s5s on button Villain - is on my direct right, and he's been a solid player all day.
Pre-flop, 1 call, action around to Villain, who pops to the 300, Hero calls, SB calls, MP1 calls. Flop comes 6-6-10 (2 clubs). Checks to villain, who bets pot, 1.2k. I'm so bored out of my mind and energy fading at this point, I call 1.2k. Rest fold, it's heads up. Turn comes an off 8. He leads out for 2.2k. I realize I'm losing my mind, but I have no choice... I count out 2.2k, pause for a bit, then decide to go over the top for 5.2k. It's time to bluff this one or go home. He took about 30 seconds to think. I'm putting him on pocket Js or Qs. River is a off 2. Flush misses. He checks, I announce all-in for remaining ~9k. After about 2 minutes of making me sweat, he folds. I flip it up, cuz I'm feeling re-energized and the whole table explodes in laughter. Villain turns to me and says "a bluff?!" Then I can see his shoulders slouch and he avoids eye contact. Couple Chinese guys come over to give me a fist bump and start asking me where I'm from. I say California. This will be important later.
Hand 2 of 3
Very next hand. Button is now to my left. UTG calls for 100, MP makes it 400 to go, I call 400 with Ad8d, UTG 3 bets to 1.2, MP folds, I call. It's heads up, and one of the Chinese guy says "bluff again!" in broken English.
Flop Ah Qh 8s
UTG Checks around to me, I put in a bet of 1.2k. He raises it to 3.75. I call.
Turn is a off suit 7. No help. He grabs a stack and puts out 5.5k. He started with about 30k so he's got me covered. I take my time and put out 5.5k. Off to the river. River comes 6 off suit, no flush. He pauses for 5 seconds, then announces all in. I have about 12k in front of me and feel sick. I tank for a minute... then convince myself of a call because of one thing. When he sat down, his buddies ridiculed him in Cantonese (I think), which I couldn't understand, but picked up the words bluff, bluff, bluff over and over again. Just went with that piece of info as the icing on the cake and decided to call it off. He doesn't flip right away, so I flip A-8. He tables K-Q a second after.
The entire table goes ape shit. My neighbor says "Hero bluff, Hero call!" One guy starts chanting 'USA, USA', LMAO! More people are talking in English now and interested in talking to me.
Hand 3 of 3
It's the last of the 3 hands before I get up soon after... and it's a bit uneventful, but hilarious nevertheless. I'll make it short, but essentially UTG is tilted and decides to spew the rest of his 7.5k stack off pre-flop. I think he's small or big blind at this point and he goes all in when it comes around.
I have pocket Jacks LOL. Insta-Call. The whole table erupts in laughter again. On a side note, the poker table vibe was very chill versus how it is in US. I don't know if they know each other or not, but the mood is very casual and people make fun of each other. It's hilarious. One guy who spoke poor English told me he thought I was a robot, because they were all crackin jokes and he said I never laughed. When he found out I wasn't Chinese, he was like OHHHHhhh. (I've been told I look Chinese)
Anyways, everyone says face up, so I flip Jacks and UTG decides to play it down. Board runs out 10 high. He turns over pocket Queens! LMAOOOOOO... the mob says money back! money back! Everyone is happy. I can't remember if I play a couple more or not, but decide to color up soon after and go eat dinner. It's 6pm, raining outside... taxi line is about 200 people deep. I walk back in the rain.
Day 3 (Today!) Not as exciting as yesterday, but was another good day. I took a cab to the Wynn... only to find out the Wynn near Venetian doesn't have Poker. The Wynn up north has the Poker room. I didn't know there were 2 Wynn casinos here LOL. WTF. Forget it, I decide to walk back to the Venetian again.
Once I get to the Venetian, 10am and there's a list of 25 people for 50/100. Mother of God... By noon, they still haven't opened any new tables and the list is 60 people deep. Finally, dealers stroll in and they quickly open up 3 new 50/100 tables. I manage to get seated by 1pm. I was #27.
The table today is a lot weaker than the one I played last night. Guys were doing funny things like doubling the blind by the big blind after it gets around, LOL (maybe it was just this one guy). Players had interesting bet sizings. very little aggression. No one tried to steal pots. It was very weak tight gameplay. I was able to push people off pots once my chip stack got bigger.
I ended up cashing out positive again today for a short 3 hour session. For the trip, I played about 10-11 hours. Started with my original 15k HKD and cashed for 64k HKD, for a profit of a little over 49k HKD ($6.2k USD).
On my walk back to the hotel, I managed to find this currency exchange window called P&W, and exchanged everything back to USD. They gave me a pretty good exchange rate, so I'm a bit confused how they make money... oh well.
In summary... it was a good trip. Sorry the write up was long. If an idiot like me can make it to Macau, play poker and make it back... you can too. And you'll probably make money. I literally did little to no research.
submitted by Mister_Tumnas to poker [link] [comments]

No Frills DFS - Dealing with Burnout

Yesterday I should have seen all the warning signs. I kept drifting out of it while doing research and eventually stopped entirely to scratch an itch to "finally watch Man of Steel" -a movie I've never before cared about and didn't care about as I watched it. For reference, my girlfriend and I don't even own a television. After about 15 minutes I realized I wasn't even watching the movie but just playing with my phone and more just listening to sound effects in the background. I had no idea what was going nor was I bothered to find out. Instead of realizing I was experiencing burnout and unregistering what I could and setting an ideal lineup for the rest, I instead decided that maybe it's for the best I haven't seen any of the modern Superman films and took a nap.

None of this was typical behavior for me.

I normally love researching sports data, in fact, I did it even before I ever played DFS. Fangraphs was my default landing page on my browser in college. I used to spend days on end projecting baseball outcomes just for fun. I'm the kind of guy who reads a biography on Napoleon, finds details lacking and then will spend 12 hours straight pouring through online archives of statistics compiled by battlefield surgeons during the Napoleonic Wars because the author didn't give me a satisfactory level of insight into how prevalent bayonets were in actual combat. See, I'm already getting off topic, the point is that I have basically no interest in films like Superman and love absorbing deep and nuanced data. I also never take naps. Something was clearly afoot but I failed to recognize it.

Bayonet wounds compromised 2% of recorded wounds in Napoleonic warfare if you were wondering.

What I should have noticed was days earlier I forgot to check in around lock for PGA to scour the site for overlay, bad players making h2hs, or generally weak fields as I normally do.

I also ignored that recently I'd not been paying as much attention and doing things like forgetting to double check on guys who were probable.

Tellingly, I also didn't know Boban was starting. I literally passed off all the Boban chatter as sarcastic and never bothered to consider people were being serious.

And earlier that morning, I forgot to double check on my soccer lineups so had some guys on the bench on my team.

All of this was ignored. Sure enough, still in this DFS malaise, I not only don't set a real dummy lineup but don't even bother to check in on it before lock. By the time I realize what's going on, some of the games had already started and sure enough, I had button mashed in the backup NJ goalie in my dummy lineup. I normally put in a strong dummy lineup because it helps introduce the upcoming slate to me before I start research in earnest.

This phenomenon is called burnout. It costs me money every couple months when it appears. It likely does the same to you. You've probably often seen the gpp lineups that never got filled or when someone starts someone against you in h2h that was ruled out long before lock - that's almost always burnout you are witnessing.

The key is catching it before it hurts you financially. This is easier said than done. Despite all the warning signs poking me right in the face, I just ignored a series symptoms as unrelated events. A few times I even asked myself if it was happening but convinced myself that wasn't the case. It wasn't until the financial consequences became meaningful that the gravity of the situation had set in and I was able to accept what was going on.

Fortunately for me, the upcoming hockey and basketball slates are very weak so it's easy to fade. It'd be a lot more tempting to just continue playing through it if there weren't only 3 NBA games today. That's my first step in my process of getting out of burnout. I'm still going to play, but instead of having multiple lineups in each slate, I'll switch it up to a single lineup put in sparingly for a fraction of the amount I normally play. I've personally found it's best for me to stay involved, just not for stakes of any significance. I won't start playing with a normal amount again until I find myself naturally and eagerly wanting to research the upcoming slate.

Burnout was always much easier to deal with during my poker days. In fact, it never was a major problem for me to the extent that it hurts my DFS. I think the reason for this would be that poker requires active involvement whereas DFS is more like a Ronco product with a set it and forget it. It allows you passively partake, something that enables you to keep going on when you really shouldn't. Playing shitty poker takes just as much effort as good poker, playing shitty DFS takes up no time at all whereas one could otherwise spend an entire day preparing for it.

When I was playing online poker, it was a very simple matter, I'd realize I had no interest in what I was doing and just log out of each table once my big blind came around. I'd then try to spend a bit more time outdoors. I'd go for a walk or a hike and if that wasn't enough, the next day I'd pack up some things and go on a trip. However, with us all having 9-5 jobs, you can't just phone in to the office and say you need some time off to relax and confront your burnout :). So these days it's just a matter of staying involved by playing for like $1 and wait for the urge to research comes back. No road trips to Moab, Utah or days on the beach.

Sooner or later I'd start feeling that itch again and things would be back to normal. When I was playing live it was another matter. Usually being in Macau, there wasn't really all that much for hiking or camping on a congested island. Furthermore, never being a permanent resident there, each day I was there I was paying for rent back home and a hotel room/airbnb over there - in essence, burnout simply ate into my ROI. I'd view time not spent at the tables as time that was wasted so I created a one day break with a test afterwards to determine whether I kept playing or packed up and went home.

So when I began not feeling like myself at the tables from these constant high stakes sessions, I made a habit of hitting up the Clube Militar De Macau. This was a fascinating place, it used to be where the Portugese Military hung out during the colonial era and these days it's just an out of place building surrounded by the older casinos, an alley of Philipino tranny hookers and fake jewelry shops that pretend to sell you stuff but really just give you unofficial cash advances on your credit card. I always got a kick out of that, all the pomp and circumstance which used to encompass that building and the people who used to occupy it... always wondered what they'd think if they knew it's become a derelict just barely hanging onto survival with a very reasonably priced lunch buffet. Without fail, it's always empty.

I'd sit down and order a Vinha D'Alhos along with a bottle of wine and just soak up the setting, think about my recent play and keep drinking until I thought about something else. Sometimes, I'd need to get a second or third bottle of wine. Then I'd go on a walk through the old city, see the free standing wall that remains of the old cathedral and then loop back around and hit up the evil empire of degeneracy that is the Cystal Palace Casino.

Now Macau has many casinos, some were big in the past that are largely empty today, others are modern and luxurious ones that are crowded today. The Crystal Palace is neither of those. It's a tiny little place crammed into 2 rooms on the 3 floor of the Hotel Lisboa, not to be confused with the Grand Lisboa, which is across the street. While most of Macau is baccarat and high stakes (most places the min bet is over $50), the Crystal Palace fills a little niche of broke degenerates offering min bets for less than $10. This is where I'd happily take the amount I'd normally play in blinds in a single orbit and stretch it out over several hours of mindlessness. I'd start off with Blackjack and then once too inebriated to be counting accurately (like with burnout, probably never realized until well after it'd begun) I'd then switch it up and play baccarat as no amount of drunkeness can screw that up because there's no way to impact the outcome one bit. They will however let you touch, bend and play with the cards, which can actually be fun after a couple drinks.
Afterwards, I'd head back to the hotel and lay down in bed listening to my current audiobook - usually science fiction. I'd drink plenty of water, eat some healthy food and get very well rested and sleep for a very long time. The next morning I'd again hit up the Crystal Palace, but this time go straight to the poker room and get on the list. After an hour or two playing the low stakes poker they offer, I'd make a decision over whether I was still feeling it or rather thinking of blackjack and baccarat. If I was back in the mood for poker, then I'd head off to the Wynn or another casino with a poker room. If I wasn't, then I'd cash out, book tickets home and play more baccarat and blackjack until it was time to leave for my flight.

That's really how I could tell whether or not I was still going through burnout. If I felt more attracted to much more mindless and instant gratification pit games than grinding away at the poker tables. For DFS, there is no real active involvement, so I don't have that indicator. It's much more subtle. It's a lot harder to detect when burnout is occuring, and it's much more difficult to confront. Since poker is active, I just had to do something else and wait for my desire to return. But for DFS, there's always that "oh I should set some lineups" mentality that's basically automatic process for most people. For many of us, a day without setting lineups is like a day without lunch, it may happen, but it feels abnormal and while one can sit down and play poker when not into it, DFS is orders of magnitude easier to passively do and that's the danger, that you could be burning ROI before realizing you are burning.

So whenever you start feeling different, be it getting bored while doing research, wanting to play some baccarat or oddly have a desire to watch Man of Steel, try to pay attention to it and reconsider whether or not you should be playing DFS for more than a token amount that day. It's easier said than done, but recognizing burnout and taking proactive steps to limit the damage are essential for any sustained DFS grind in which we all partake.

I still have yet to find a new way to bring my mind back into the game, which is the primary reason I'm writing about it here. I'm hoping this can help. Most likely though, I'll just wait it out and sometime soon be thinking hard about researching Harden's game time status again, and then I'll know it's safe to play again.
submitted by DFSx42 to dfsports [link] [comments]

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submitted by klub4d to u/klub4d [link] [comments]

Craps in Macau?

Heading over to Macau in June so just wondering if anyone has gone recently with any recommendations on which casinos to hit up.
I've found some different accounts from reddit and tripadvisor but all are at least a year old, if not more. Hoping I'm able to find some HKD100 tables instead of the HKD200.
For anyone interested, here's an update on craps availability in Macau as of June 2017 :
MGM Macau - 200hkd (thursday afternoon) minimum
MGM bubble craps - 50hkd min
Wynn Macau - none
Star World Macau - none
Lisboa (both sided) - none
Parisian Cotai - 200hkd min, 1 table near Rewards counter
Venetian Taipa - 200hkd, 1 table near staircase (Thursday night) and 100hkd on Fri afternoon
Sands Macau no craps
Sands Cotai (Near entrance to St Regis) - 300 hkd during day
City of Dreams - 2 tables, 100hkd day, 200 hkd night (from about 6pm onwards)
All of the places above had high minimums, but at least the hardways bets were only 20-25hkd
Dealers/stickmen were VERY chill. Whereas at places like MBS/RWS (Singapore) where they're very strict about raising the dice too high from the felt or shaking the dice in your hand, the guys in Macau generally let you do whatever the hell you wanted to do. My brother and I had a good run at the Venetian, and there was a Chinese dude who would just blast the dice across the table, often knocking over chips or causing the dice to ricochet ovet the table - he was only asked to tune it down once and kept doing it afterwards with a soft throw every now and then. Others would set their dice and the dealers would let them take their sweet time.
submitted by Darhol to Craps [link] [comments]

Baccarat Run (WarmDeck story)

Read more of WarmDeck's stories at
Last summer I had went down to my local casino for a night of gambling and partying as usual. Something I do about 3 nights a week on average. I called up one of my Degen friends who never has money and always loses. We can call him Poker Jay. Poker Jay is about 30 years old and I've known him for about 8 years. I've only seen him win once or twice in the hundreds of trips he has taken to the casino with me. What essentially happens is, he in a sense becomes my assistant for $100 gambling stakes. He will carry my bags, run errands, iron my clothes, etc. All I have to do is give him a C-note at a time for him to gamble with. Which 91% of the time he doesn't return with. Anyways enough background on Poker Jay for now.
So I pick him up and make him drive me down to the casino while I sit in the back seat by myself like I'm being chauffeured. I berate him the whole drive down about him prepping to book another loss. We pull into hotel valet and I make him open my door for me and grab my bags. We check into a standard 2 queen room, drop bags, and head down to gaming floor. I have a thing where I always hit the same 2 slots for $20 each first thing I do. $5 wheel of fortune machines at 2 credits a spin. First machine, air ball both spins. Next machine I hit a SPIN for the top prize of $1195. Only time I ever hit that amount by the way. I brought about $3k with me so now I had roughly $4k after giving Poker Jay his C-note. This win is good considering I have my other gambling buddy James on his way down to meet us and I owe him $3k that he lent me prior trip. I had planned on only giving him $1k of it tonight, but now I figure I'll give him $2k. So Jay heads off to play 1-5 stud with his $100 and I head to the room to shower and get ready for the night.
I get dressed and head downstairs to meet James. He isn't thrilled about only getting $2k but tough shit, he shouldn't have buried me for an extra $3k of his winnings our last trip while I was wasted. So anyway, we hit the VIP lounge and start drinking. A few hours of bullshit gambling and getting drunk leaves me with only $1k on me. Poker Jay leaked away his C-note and wanted more, but I told him to go fuck himself. I think he went upstairs to bed. James and I end up hitting a baccarat table. Macau style of course, because we love to bend the cards and give the Asians a hard time. We go partners at $1k each and I let him drive. 30 mins later we bust and he still has money to play. I can't borrow because I still owe him $1k, so I call him a few names and stagger to the cage.
I take $2k off my debit card and head back to baccarat. I lose half of it betting against my friend and really give him shit. I told him I hope he died on his car ride home, then switched to a new baccarat table. I start playing $200-$300 hands and start winning. It is getting late and they stopped serving alcohol at this point so I'm sobering up a little. I basically win about 95% of the hands I play. All the Asians think I'm magic at this point. I got my bets up around $800-$1000 a hand all while tipping very well. Every time I paid commission, which was like every other hand. I would give the difference to the dealer. "Down and Dealers!" I finally decided to walk with $15,900. A hell of a comeback and win for me.
Its about 5:30 AM and I go to the room to wake up Jay by slapping him in the face with the cash while he is snoring. I tell him to get up and that he is back in action. I give him another $100. He is pumped. We take shots out the mini bar and head back down. We decided to play a little craps but nothing exciting happened. Broke even and went to the lounge to eat breakfast. I'm getting tired and the casino is dead at this time, so I decide it's time to get a blow job. So I call up a hooker and have her meet me back at the room. I take another shot and she arrives. About 30 year old decent looking Asian girl speaking broken English. I take her in the bathroom while Jay lays in his bed. I give her $100 after she asked me for $200. She stuffs it in her purse and puts a condom on me. 15 mins into it she is complaining about me taking too long. I tell her it will be faster if she takes the condom off. She does, and 5 mins later I'm done. She leaves and we go to bed.
A few hours later we get up and decide to extend our stay. We want to stay another night to party because Jay knows a server from the casino down the road and she wants to meet up. I'm fine with it, just concerned about how much cash I have on me. So I tell him I will only stay if he locks my money in the car and does not give me the key under ANY circumstance. He agrees and goes down to the valet and locks $15k in the car leaving me about $700 to have a good time with.
We end up switching to a suite which was easy to obtain with my play from he night before. Also works out because another friend of mine is coming down with a friend and a couple girls. So he wanted a room for the night. I figure I'll just give him my original 2 queen room that I extended. The server Jay knew meets us at about 12PM. We head to the lounge and all start drinking tequila. Nice way to start the day. We dicked around for a bit drinking and gambling until I was down to about $100 left of my $700. Jay had already lost his $100 which was no surprise.
It was about 8PM and my other friend had arrived and I gave him the room keys. Shortly after he and his friends met us for drinks. We were in the lounge and a guy I knew from poker was talking to a host at the entrance of the lounge. She was asking him about me because she seen him sitting with me. She told him that she thinks I'm the same guy that put his hand up a girls dress earlier in the week and had security called on me when the boyfriend seen it. Apparently it was me I find out. Had no recollection of it because I was blacked out. It was the night James buried me for $3k. I guess the girl was cool with it from what I heard. She was my age but had an older sugar daddy that gambled. Anyway, I get to talking with this 26 year old host and she seems cool. She says she's tribal and has been working there for 6 years. She's ends up taking me and a couple friends up to the real high roller lounge on one of the top hotel floors. I bullshit with her for a bit while putting down top shelf drinks. She talks to me about my play and ends up giving me her number. She said she likes to gamble too. At this point I decide its time to put in some more quality play and track down Jay.
I find him and threaten him until he gives me the money out of the car. Which was fairly easy. I then head directly to the baccarat pit with cash in hand and slap down $15k like I'm a Big-Shot. What a terrible idea. I was betting up to $4k some hands, but 3 hours later I was busto. I then take the walk of shame back to the room. Stuff my face with some candy out of the mini-bar and go to bed. Wake up the next morning and take a miserable ride home. Jay doesn't say a word, but hey I'm looking forward to meeting up with the host I met and firing again. But that is another story.
submitted by degenlife to DegenLife [link] [comments]

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Ten Best Bets in the Casino - YouTube The Most Luxurious and Expensive Casinos In The World ... slot,Slot Machine,JACKPOT,Hand pay,In Macao澳門,金沙,銀河,拉霸角子 ... Crown Macau - Commercial Macau's best casinos 2018  NCB - YouTube A MUST SEE CASINO GAMBLING IN MACAU - YouTube Dragon of Fortune at Wynn Macau バカラ Baccarat ギャラクシーマカオカジノ Galaxy Macau Casino - YouTube A Visit to Casinos in Macau, China (Macao) - The Baccarat ...

Macau Casino Minimum Bet For example, if you deposit €100 and receive a €500 bonus, then you have to wager €600 * 40 = €24 000 before you can make a withdraw. Add a maximum withdraw limit to this and your chances to win big are severely decreased. Galaxy Macau Casino Minimum Bet To be eligible to claim the New Player Welcome Bonuses, Galaxy Macau Casino Minimum Bet players must deposit a minimum of £10 in one instance, for each bonus. New Player Welcome Bonuses will only be offered on your first four (4) deposits, unless otherwise stated. For years, Las Vegas has been known as the home of gambling. However, Macau is quickly becoming the biggest attraction for casino fans. We've compared the two to see which has the best casinos As far as minimum bets in Macau casinos. Most smaller hotel casinos ( L'arc, Golden Dragon, Jai Alai, President, Grand Emperor ,..) , the minimum is usually 100HK$ per bet. But their casinos might not be so attractive for first-timer in Macau. If you looking for 'gramour' hotel casino, try the old Lisboa casino. InBet Games is one of the major players in the market of gambling lotteries and slots. Keno, Pirate's Cave, Dwarf's Gold and many other popular InBet Games slots await you on Casino7. Macau's casinos were at their peak in 2014 when gaming revenue was more than US$45 billion, cementing the city's position as the world's casino capital. Macau Casino Minimum Bet, black pawkeet slots guide, qld poker events, gunnison casino. Close. Prize pool: 100% up to £200. Mr Green. Claiming a bonus is not mandatory. If you don’t want to use a bonus you will have to inform the casino’s support team beforehand. Start Playing on Slot Madness Casino read review. Double Diamond . QueenVegas. 30x. 200%. Gamble Responsibly Casino Macau Minimum Bet game even more enthralling. This product is intended for use by those 21 or older for amusement Casino Macau Minimum Bet purposes only. Practice or success at social casino gaming does not imply future success at real money gambling. The games are intended for Casino Macau Minimum Bet an adult audience. Casino Minimum Bet Macau, poker online em portugues, sugarhouse casino panel interview, spin and win wheel betin. 0-Prize pool: 70% deposit match. Free Spins * T&C. 100%-100% . $15 No Deposit Bonus. Percentage-* T&C. Over 800 Casino Games; Live Casino Games; Mobile Ready; Wager. Wager. Percentage-permanent Wager: 40x Min deposit: $10. 442. 5. Play Now. All bonuses listed on CrispyGamer are Answer 1 of 4: Hi I am travelling to Macau for 2 nights in September. I would like to know what are the minimum bets in the casino for blackjack and roulette tables. Which are the the good casinos worth visiting?

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Ten Best Bets in the Casino - YouTube

In this low-budget video, Mike gives his list of the ten best bets in the casino for educated recreational players. Wizard's demo games can be found at https... Very first time visiting Macau. It is like a copy of Las Vegas. It was fascinated. See the video and you will understand why.Me and my friend had a few hou... Welcome to Luxury Lifestyle channelThe Most Luxurious & Expensive Casinos In The World The luxury casino hotels in macau las vegasFor a long time, many peo... This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue Shows daily in the Wynn Foyer (entrance opposite Starworld Casino) - 10am to midnight, every 30 min alternating between the 'Dragon of Fortune' (on the hour)... Steve Bourie, from the American Casino Guide, visits casinos in Macau, China, also known as Macao. It is the gambling capital of Asia, as well as the gamblin... 2015年5月27日に開幕したギャラクシーマカオ第2期のゲーミング(カジノ)フロアで「バカラ Baccarat」のゲーミングテーブルを撮影。*開業前日に ... Macau's best casinos 2018 NCBMacau's casinos have seen some tough times in recent years, but take a walk along the city's casino boulevard, the Cotai Strip... Slot Machine & JACKPOT & BONUS & FREE GAMES!拉霸角子老虎機in Macao澳門,Las Vegas Casino BIG WIN

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